111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: Grade of Higher Knowledge (Steps to Higher Knowledge)
09 Mar 1908, Nijmegen Rudolf Steiner |
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: Grade of Higher Knowledge (Steps to Higher Knowledge)
09 Mar 1908, Nijmegen Rudolf Steiner |
Dr. Steiner distinguishes three degrees or levels of higher knowledge that the ordinary person can attain through a certain kind of development: firstly, imaginative knowledge; secondly, inspirative knowledge; and thirdly, intuitive knowledge. We attain imaginative knowledge when we see the things around us in symbols. The human race of the Lemurian period was familiar with this state of consciousness, albeit in an imperfect way. They did not perceive things as we do now, but saw floating images of certain colors and shapes in space, which appeared to them as either pleasant or unpleasant. Gradually, our normal day-consciousness developed from this Lemurian consciousness, and only remnants of the former remained. (Compare our dream state, in which an event in the material realm, for example a chair falling over, is symbolized by one or other complicated drama.) Through what is called the esoteric life, one can regain higher knowledge in a more perfect way. The conditions for this cannot be discussed in this lecture; the speaker only noted that a great deal of patience and renunciation of all lower human inclinations is absolutely necessary, and that it is not without danger to enter the higher worlds consciously, in accordance with higher degrees of knowledge, without an authorized teacher. If you now fulfill the conditions, after some time you will see light images when you concentrate your attention on one or the other material object, which together form the so-called imaginative (astral) image that belongs to that object. Thus, when observing a plant from which new life blossoms, one will notice violet images that gradually change to a light red; when the plant dies, on the other hand, orange images appear, which after some time become brownish and dirty in color. Besides these astral images, one will also get to know beings that are unknown in the material realm, including the group souls of animals, which present themselves in the astral world as independent beings with whom one can make contact. As the impressions of the material world fade away, the new world of light, color and sound opens up for the person, but not before he has gone through a period of complete silence and without any light. As one progresses in one's inner development, one experiences at a certain stage that one no longer perceives only imaginative images, but at the same time begins to grasp them. At this stage, so-called inspirative knowledge begins, and one becomes aware in the lower Devachan world. One gets to know one's fellow creatures through a certain sound: the “music of the spheres” is revealed to man, as are the group souls of plants, which in this world are certain beings and, so to speak, parts of the great spiritual being, the planetary soul, of which the earth is the material body. The material earth shows itself in the lower world of Devachan as a transparent crystal. The third degree of higher knowledge, intuitive knowledge, comes to a person when, after long practice, they have developed the ability to live in all things themselves. Then one can empathize with plant and mineral souls and, for example, share the pleasant feeling of these souls when the flower is picked, the grain is mowed or the stone is pounded into gravel. Then one shares the life of all fellow creatures, and true compassion is developed. And one sees that of all forms in the nature kingdoms, beings are the ensouling life. |
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: The Rosicrucian Esoteric Doctrine of the Evolution of the Cosmos
10 Mar 1908, Nijmegen Rudolf Steiner |
111. Introduction to the Basics of Theosophy: The Rosicrucian Esoteric Doctrine of the Evolution of the Cosmos
10 Mar 1908, Nijmegen Rudolf Steiner |
After Dr. Steiner had given an overview of how to gain consciousness in higher realms the previous afternoon, this time he spoke in detail about the results of clairvoyant research into cosmic development. Dr. Steiner outlined the following very briefly: First of all, the esoteric teachings of the Rosicrucians should not be seen as different from other teachings. They present only one particular aspect of the truth that meets the demands of certain individuals. They are one side of a mountain that has a summit where all the mountain slopes come together. The Rosicrucian teaching is, however, best suited to the man of the modern world, in which industry and the struggle for material things come to the fore and the intellect rules. Since the year 1400, human brains have been changed by the transformation of the astral and etheric bodies, and the teachings of the Messenger of the White Lodge, known as Christian Rosenkreutz, also date from this time. The main idea is the intimate connection between man and the world, microcosm and macrocosm, both forming an inseparable whole. Through the conscious “I am,” man distinguishes himself from all lower beings in creation. The material body of man is the oldest and therefore the most perfect. The higher bodies do not yet have such a perfect organization, but one day the whole four-membered human being - consisting of I, the astral, the etheric and the coarse material body - must become just as perfect as the perfectly organized coarse material body. The development of the physical body begins on our planet in the state of Saturn, that is, on the first planetary chain. The etheric body begins its development on the second chain, when our planet was in the state of the sun. The astral body was born on the third chain, when our planet was in the state of the moon; and finally the I, which was only formed on this earth in the human being and is therefore the youngest link. The four successive states of Saturn, Sun, Moon and Earth correspond to the four elements of fire, air, water and earth. The first sphere could be compared to a mirror of warmth that reflected everything it received, in which the spirits of will, wisdom, movement and form were mirrored, and the resulting mirror images were the germs of the future human being. In the Saturn state, the human body was nothing but a particle in a conglomeration. The first state of consciousness was very dull, but all-encompassing, like a stone in the material realm. After the pralaya came the solar condition, here the gaseous formation occurs. The fire spirits then went through the human condition, and the future human being received his ethereal body. The human bodies looked like mirages, the consciousness was that of the plant, that is, the dreamless consciousness of sleep. In the moon state, the astral bodies were added, and the liquid formation arose. Consciousness reached the third state, image consciousness, the imaginative. Something special about this third period is that at a certain moment a part of the planet split off, taking with it the rapidly developing beings. This part became a sun; the old moon remained behind with the slower developing beings, the people of today. The moon also became denser, but there was no mineral kingdom yet. The moon can best be compared to a mass of spinach. Mountains and valleys were plant-like. On each following chain, a lower realm was created by those who were left behind, so that starting with man, the fourth realm or mineral realm did not arise until the earth period. In this state of the earth, man finally received the ego, and a slower pace of development was adopted. The sun, the area of much faster development, emerged from our earth during the second root race; the moon, the area of crystallization of all development, emerged during the period of the third root race. In the first three rounds of the earth chain, the earth, sun and moon were connected. On Earth, development progressed at a moderate pace, and in the period of the third root race, conditions had become such that man could receive the I. Now the speaker briefly outlined the higher states of our planet, that is, the three later chains, which correspond to the Venus, Mercury and Vulcan states. In the Venus state, the higher manas is developed, in the Mercury state, budhi, while atma is unfolded in the Vulcan state. From the planets that had already reached this higher stage of development, guides and teachers came to our Earth to help humanity. By considering the organs of the material body, the speaker pointed out that they were not all the same age. The heart, for example, is very old; the foundation for it was laid first. The reproductive organs, on the other hand, are younger and were only developed in a plant state. In summary, the Rosicrucian esoteric doctrine regards the human being as a microcosm, a product of the macrocosm; everything that is revealed in the macrocosm must be able to be found in it. At the end of the lecture, some questions were asked, in response to which Dr. Steiner gave his view of the composition and development of life in the planetary chains, whereby a very different view was given of the theory of the chains, rounds and races than we had been accustomed to until now, so that a great deal of adaptability was needed to think one's way into this way of thinking. |