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The Gospel of St. John
GA 103

30 May 1908, Hamburg

XI. Christian Initiation

If in this whole lecture course we are to concentrate our efforts on gaining a deeper understanding of the words “Father and Mother of Jesus,” and consequently of the essence of Christianity in general according to the Gospel of St. John, we must first acquire the material for an understanding of the concept, Mother and Father, in its spiritual sense, as it is intended in this Gospel and at the same time in its actual meaning. For it is not a question of an allegorical or a symbolic explanation.

We must first understand what it means to unite oneself with the higher spiritual worlds, to prepare oneself to receive the higher worlds. We must at the same time consider the nature of initiation, especially in regard to the Gospel of St. John. Let us ask: What is an initiate?

In all ages of the post-Atlantean human evolution, an initiate has been a person who could lift himself above the outer physical sense-world and have his own personal experiences in the spiritual worlds, a person who could experience the spiritual worlds just as the ordinary human being experiences the physical sense-world through the outer senses, eyes, ears, etc. Such an initiate becomes then a witness of those worlds and their truths. That is one aspect. But there is also something else very essential which every initiate acquires as a very special characteristic during his initiation, that is, he lifts himself above the feelings and sensations which are not only justified but also very necessary within the physical world, but which cannot, however, exist in the same way in the spiritual world.

Do not misunderstand what is said here and imagine that anyone who is able, as an initiate, to experience the spiritual world as well as the physical world must give up all other human feelings and sensations which are of value here in the physical world and exchange them for those of the higher worlds. This is not so. He does not exchange one for the other, but he acquires one in addition to the other. If, on the one hand, he has to spiritualize his feelings, he must, on the other, strengthen much more those feelings which are of use for working in the physical world. In this way we must interpret those words used in connection with an initiate, namely, that he must, in a certain sense, become a homeless person. It is not meant that in any sense he must become estranged from his home and his family as long as he lives in the physical world, but these words have at least this much significance, that by acquiring the corresponding feelings in the spiritual world, the feelings for the physical world will experience a finer, more beautiful development. What does it mean to be homeless? It means that one without this designation cannot, in the true sense of the word, attain initiation. To be a homeless man, means that he must develop no special sympathies in the spiritual world similar to those he possesses here in the physical world for special regions or relationships. The individual human being in the physical world belongs to some particular folk or to some particular family, to this or that community of the state. That is all quite proper. He does not need to lose this; he needs it here. If, however, he wished to employ these feelings in the spiritual world, he would bring a very bad dowry to that world. There, it is not a question of developing sympathy for anything, but of allowing everything to work upon him objectively, according to its inherent worth. It could also be said, were this generally understood, that an initiate must be, in the fullest sense of the word, an objective human being.

It is just through its evolution upon the earth that humanity has emerged out of a former homeless state connected with the ancient dreamy, clairvoyant consciousness. We have seen how mankind has descended out of the spiritual spheres into the physical world. In the primal spiritual spheres, patriotism and such things did not exist. When humanity descended from the spiritual spheres, one part peopled the earth in one region and another part in another region, and thus the individual groups of human beings of different regions became stereotype copies of those regions. Do not imagine that the negro became black solely from inner reasons; he became black also through adapting himself to the region of the earth in which he lived. And so it was also with the white people. Just as the great differences of colour and race came into existence because human beings have acquired something through their connection with their environment, so is it also true in respect of the smaller differences in folk individuality. But this has again to do with the specialization of love upon the earth. Because men became dissimilar, love was at first established in small communities. Only gradually will humanity be able to evolve out of the small communities into a large community of love which will develop concretely through the very implanting of the Spirit-Self. The initiate had to anticipate whither human evolution is tending in order to overcome and bridge over all barriers and bring about great peace, great harmony and brotherhood. In his homelessness, he must always, at the very beginning, receive the same rudiments of great brotherly love. This was symbolically expressed in ancient times in the descriptions of the wanderings experienced by the initiate, such as those, for example, of Pythagoras. Why was this described? In order that the initiate might become objective toward every thing in the feelings he had developed within the heart of the community. It is the task of Christianity to bring to the whole of humanity the Impulse of this Brotherhood which the initiate always possessed as an individual impulse.

Let us hold clearly in mind that most profound idea of Christianity, that the Christ is the Spirit of the earth and that the earth is His body or vesture. And let us take it literally, for we have said that we must weigh in the balance each separate word of such a document as the Gospel of St. John. What do we learn with respect to the “vesture of the earth” when we make a survey of evolution? We learn, first of all, the fact that the vesture of the earth—that is, the solid parts of it—was divided. One person took possession of this part, another of that part. This part belonged to one person, that part to another. Possession, i.e. the extension of the personality through the acquisition of property, is in a certain sense that into which the garment worn by the Christ, the Spirit of the earth, has, in the course of time, been divided. One thing alone could not be divided, but belonged to all; this was the airy envelope surrounding the earth. And from this airy covering, the breath of life was breathed into the human being, as we are shown in the myths of Paradise. Here we have the first rudiments of the ego in the physical body. The air cannot be divided. Let us try to find out whether the one who described Christianity most profoundly in the Gospel of St. John has anywhere indicated this:

And they parted His garments; but His coat they did not divide.

Here you have the words which give you an explanation of how the earth as a whole, together with its airy envelope, is the body or garment, and the coat of the Christ. The garments of the Christ were divided into continents and regions; but not the coat. The air has not been divided; it remains a common possession of all. It is the external, material symbol for the love which is hovering about the earthly globe, which will later be realized.

And in many other connections, Christianity must bring mankind to an acceptance of some of the ancient principles of initiation. If we wish to understand this, we must now characterize initiation. It will suffice, if we consider especially the three main types of initiation; the ancient Yoga, the really specific Christian initiation, and that initiation which is entirely appropriate for men of the present day, the Christian-Rosicrucian initiation. We intend now to describe what course initiation, in general, takes in all three of these forms; what it is and what it represents.

How does a human being become capable of perception in spiritual worlds? First, let me ask, how have you become capable of observing in the physical world? The physical body has sense-organs that make this possible. If you trace human evolution very far back, you will find that in primeval times, the human creature did not yet possess eyes for seeing and ears for hearing in the physical world, but that, as Goethe says, all organs were still undifferentiated. As proof of this, just recall how certain lower animals today still have these undifferentiated organs. Certain lower animals have points through which they can distinguish only light and darkness, and out of these undifferentiated organs, eyes and ears have been moulded and formed. They have been worked into the plastic substance of the physical body. Because your eye has been moulded, there exists for you a world of colour, and because your ear has been sculptured, a world of tone is audible to you. No one has the right to say that a world does not really exist; he may only say, “I do not perceive it.” For to see the world in the true sense of the word, means that I have the organs with which to perceive it. One may say: “I know only this or that world,” but one may not say: “I do not admit of the existence of a world that someone else perceives.” A person who speaks in this manner demands that others too should perceive only just what he himself perceives, but nothing else; he claims authoritatively that only what he perceives is true. When at present someone appears and says: That is all Anthroposophical imagining, what Anthroposophists declare exists, does not exist,” he only proves that he and those like him do not perceive these worlds. We take the positive standpoint. Whoever grants only the existence of what he himself perceives, demands not only that we acknowledge what he knows, but he wishes to make an authoritative decision about something of which he knows nothing. There is no greater intolerance than that shown by official science toward Spiritual Science, and it will become even worse than it has ever been before! It appears in the most varied forms. People are not at all conscious of saying something which they should not allow themselves to say. In many gatherings of very good Christians, one can hear it said: "Anthroposophists talk of some kind of an esoteric Christian teaching, but Christianity needs no esoteric teaching; for only that can be true which a simple, unpretentious mind can perceive and understand," which means, of course, only what the speaker can perceive and understand. He therefore requires that no one should perceive and understand anything different from what he himself perceives and understands. The infallibility of the Pope is quite properly not acknowledged in such Christian assemblies, but the infallibility of the individual is claimed today in the widest circles even by the Christians. Anthroposophy is attacked as a result of this papal standpoint in consequence of which each individual sets himself up as a kind of little pope.

If we consider that the physical sense-world exists for us because the individual organs have been carved into the physical body, it will no longer seem extraordinary when it is said that perception in a higher world rests upon the fact that higher organs have been formed in the higher members of the human organism, in the ether and astral bodies. The physical body is, in this way, already provided with its sense-organs, but the ether and astral bodies are not yet so provided; these have still to be carved into them. When this has been done, there exists what is called perception in the higher worlds.

We shall now speak of the way in which these organs are built into the ether and astral bodies. We have said that in anyone who aspires to initiation and has attained it, higher organs have been developed. How is this accomplished? It is a matter of understanding the human astral body in the state in which it exists in its purity. During the day this astral body is immersed in the physical body. There the forces of the physical body act upon it; it is not then free. It carries out the demands of the physical body; hence it is impossible to begin the development of these higher organs during the day. It can be begun when the astral body is out of the physical body, in sleep; only then can the astral body be moulded. The human astral body can only have its higher sense organs developed when they are carved into it during sleep, while outside the physical body. But we cannot manipulate a sleeping human being; that would not be possible for the modern man, if he wishes to perceive what is happening to him in sleep. If you have him in an unconscious condition, then he cannot observe this. Here there seems to be a contradiction, for the astral body is not conscious of its connection with the physical body during sleep. But indirectly it is possible that during the day the physical body is acted upon and the impressions which it then receives remain within the astral body when this is withdrawn at night. Just as the impressions which the astral body receives from the surrounding physical world have been impressed upon it, so in like manner we must do something quite specific with the physical body, in order that this something be imprinted upon the astral body and then be formed in it in the proper manner. This happens when the human being ceases to live in his customary way during the day, allowing random impressions to enter his consciousness, and takes his inner life in hand by means of a methodical schooling in the manner described. This is called Meditation, Concentration or Contemplation. These are exercises which are as strictly prescribed in the schools for the purpose, as microscopy is prescribed in the laboratories. If a person carries out these exercises, they act so intensely upon him that the astral body is plastically re-shaped when it withdraws during sleep. Just as this sponge adapts itself to the form of my hand as long as I hold it there, but forms itself again according to the forces inherent in it as soon as I release it, so in like manner is it with the astral body; when in sleep it withdraws from the corporality, it follows the astral forces invested in it. Thus it is during the day that we must undertake those spiritual activities by means of which the astral body, during the night, is plastically formed so that organs of higher perception are developed in it.

Meditation can be regulated in a threefold manner. 1. There can be more consideration given to the thought-matter, to the so-called elements of Wisdom, the pure element of thought. This is the Yoga training which deals especially with the element of thought, Contemplation. 2. One can work more upon the feeling through its special cultivation. This is the specifically Christian course. 3. Again one can work through a combination of feeling and will. This is the Christian-Rosicrucian method. To consider the Yoga practice would carry us too far, and it would also have no relationship to the Gospel of St. John. We shall consider the specifically Christian initiation and explain its basis. You must think of this form of initiation as one which a person belonging to the present social order could hardly undergo. It demands a temporary isolation. The Rosicrucian method, however, is the method by which we can work ourselves into the higher worlds without interfering with our duties. What, however, is applicable in principle, we can also fully explain by means of Christian initiation.

This method of initiation has to do exclusively with the feelings, and I shall now have to enumerate seven experiences of the feeling-life; seven stages of feeling, through the experiencing of which the astral body is actually so affected that it develops its organs during the night. Let us describe how the Christian neophyte must live in order that he may pass through these stages. The first stage is what is called “Washing the Feet.” Here the teacher says to the pupil: “Observe the plants. They have their roots in the ground; the mineral earth is a lower being than the plant. If the plant were able to contemplate its own nature, it would have to say to the earth; it is true I am a higher being, but if thou wert not there, I could not exist; for from thee, O earth, I draw most of my sustenance. If the plant were able to translate this into feeling, it would then bow itself down to the stone and say:—I bow myself before thee, O stone, thou humbler being, for I am indebted to thee for my very existence! Then if we ascend to the animal, it would have to behave in a similar manner toward the plant and say: Indeed it is true, I am higher than the plant, but to the lower kingdoms I owe my existence! If in this manner we mount higher and reach the human being, then each individual who stands somewhat higher in the social scale must incline himself to the lower and say: To those on the lower social level I owe my existence! This continues on up to Christ-Jesus. The Twelve who are about Him are at a level lower than Christ-Jesus; but as the plant develops out of the stone, so does the Christ grow out of the Twelve. He bows down to the Twelve and says: I owe you My existence.”

When the teacher had explained this to the pupil, he then said to him: "For weeks must thou surrender thyself to this cosmic feeling of how the superior should incline to the inferior and when thou hast thoroughly developed this feeling within thee, then wilt thou experience an inner and an outer symptom!" These are not the essential things, they only indicate that the pupil has practiced sufficiently. When the physical body was sufficiently influenced by the soul, this was indicated to him by an external symptom in which he feels as though water were lapping over his feet. That is a very real feeling! And he has another very real feeling in which the “Washing of the Feet” appears to him as in a mighty vision in the astral, the inclining of the Higher Self to the lower. Thus the occult student experiences in the astral world what is found depicted in the Gospel of St. John as an historical fact.

At the second stage, the pupil is told: "Thou must develop within thyself yet another feeling. Thou must picture how it would be were all the suffering and sorrow possible in the world to come upon thee; thou must feel how it would be wert thou exposed to the piling up of all possible hindrances, and thou must enter into the feeling that thou must stand erect even though all the adversity of the world were to bear down upon thee!" Then when the pupil has practised this exercise for a sufficient length of time, there are again two symptoms; in the first he has the feeling of being beaten from all sides, and in the second he has an astral vision of the “Scourging.” I am relating what hundreds of people have experienced whereby they have acquired the ability to mount into the higher worlds.

In the third exercise, the pupil had to imagine that the holiest thing that he possesses, which he defends with his whole ego-being, is subjected to jeers and gibes. He must say to himself:—“Come what may, I must hold myself erect and defend what is holy to me.” When he had accustomed himself to this, he felt something like pricking upon his head, and he experienced the “Crown of Thorns” as an astral vision. Again it must be said that the important thing is not the symptoms; they appear as a result of the exercises. Care was also taken that there was no question of suggestion and auto-suggestion.

In the fourth exercise, the pupil's body must become as foreign to his feelings as any external object—a stick of wood for example—and he must not say “I” to his body. This experience must become so much a part of his feelings that he says: “I carry my body about with me as I do my coat.” He connects his ego no longer with his body. Then something occurs which is called the Stigmata. What in many cases might be a condition of sickness is in this case a result of Meditation, because all sickness must be eliminated. On the feet and hands and on the right side of the breast appear the so-called Stigmata; and as an inner symptom, he beholds the “Crucifixion” in an astral vision.

The fifth, sixth and seventh grades of feeling, we can only briefly describe. The fifth grade consists of what is called “The Mystical Death.” Through feelings which the pupil is permitted to experience at this stage, he feels as though, in an instant, a black curtain were drawn before the whole physical, visible world and as though everything had disappeared. This moment is important because of something else that must be experienced, if one wishes to push on into Christian initiation, in the true sense of the word. The pupil then feels that he can plunge into the primal causes of evil, pain, affliction and sorrow. And he can suffer all the evil that exists in the depths of the human soul, when he descends into Hell. That is the “Descent into Hell.” When this has been experienced, it is as though the black curtain had been rent asunder and he looks into the spiritual world.

The sixth step is what is called the “Interment and Resurrection.” This is the stage at which the pupil feels himself one with the entire earth-body. He feels as though he were laid within and belonged to the whole earth planet. His life has been extended into a planetary existence.

The seventh experience cannot be described in words; only one could describe it who is able to think without the physical brain instrument—and for that there is no language, because our language has only designations for the physical plane. Therefore, only a reference can be made to this stage. It surpasses anything that the human being can possibly conceive. This is called the “Ascension” or the complete absorption into the spiritual world.

This completes the gamut of feelings into which the pupil, during waking day-consciousness, must place himself with complete inner equanimity. When the pupil has surrendered himself to these experiences, they act so strongly upon the astral body that, in the night, inner sense-organs are developed, are plastically formed. These seven steps of feeling are not practiced in the Rosicrucian initiation, but the result is the same as that of which we have just spoken.

Thus you see that the important thing in initiation is to influence the astral body in such a way by the indirect means of the day-experiences, that it may, when it is wholly free during the night, take on a new plastic form. When the human being in this manner, as an astral being, has given himself a plastic form, the astral body has become actually a new member of the human organism. He is then wholly permeated by Manas or Spirit-Self.

When the astral body is thus divided, that part which has in this way been plastically formed is brought over into the ether body. And just as you press the seal upon the sealing-wax, and the name on the seal appears not only on the seal, but on the wax as well, so too must the astral body dip down into the ether body and impress upon it whatever it may now possess. The inner process, the working over of the astral body, is the same in all methods of initiation. Only in the method of transmission into the ether body do the individual methods differ. We shall speak tomorrow of these differences and show how the three methods of initiation, which have proved to be the most profound evolutionary impulses in the course of the post-Atlantean age, differ from each other and what significance initiation, in general, has for human evolution. Then these parts of the Gospel of St. John upon which we have not yet been able to touch will also become clear.

Elfter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Sollen wir unsere ganzen Kursusbetrachtungen zuspitzen auf die tiefere Erfassung des Johannes-Evangeliums, auf die Worte «Vater und Mutter Jesu» und dadurch auf das Wesen des Christentums im Sinne des Johannes-Evangeliums überhaupt, dann müssen wir uns einmal jetzt die Materialien erwerben, um den Mutter- und VaterBegriff in seinem geistigen Sinne zu verstehen, wie er gemeint ist im Johannes-Evangelium und zu gleicher Zeit in seinem wirklichen Sinne. Denn es handelt sich nicht um allegorische und symbolische Ausdeutungen.

[ 2 ] Da müssen wir vor allem verstehen, was es heißt: sich mit den höheren geistigen Welten zu vereinigen, sich bereitzumachen, die höheren Welten aufzunehmen. Wir müssen dabei das Wesen der Einweihung, insbesondere im Hinblick auf das Johannes-Evangelium ins Auge fassen. Wer ist ein Eingeweihter?

[ 3 ] Zu allen Zeiten der nachatlantischen Menschheitsentwickelung war ein Eingeweihter der, der sich erheben konnte über die äußere physisch-sinnliche Welt und eigene Erlebnisse, eigene Erfahrungen haben konnte in den geistigen Welten, der also die geistige Welt so erlebt, wie der Mensch durch seine äußeren Sinne, Augen, Ohren und so weiter, die physisch-sinnliche Welt erlebt. Ein solcher Eingeweihter ist also ein Zeuge für die geistigen Welten und ihre Wahrheit. Das ist das eine. Dann kommt aber noch etwas wesentlich anderes hinzu, was jeder Eingeweihte als eine besondere Eigenschaft während der Einweihung erwirbt, das ist, daß er sich auch erhebt über die Gefühle und Empfindungen, die innerhalb der physischen Welt durchaus nicht nur berechtigt, sondern auch tief notwendig sind, die aber nicht in derselben Weise in der geistigen Welt vorhanden sein können.

[ 4 ] Mißverstehen Sie das nicht und fassen Sie das nicht so auf, als ob der, der als Eingeweihter imstande ist, außer der physischen Welt auch noch die geistige Welt zu erleben, sich nun alle anderen menschlichen Gefühle und Empfindungen abgewöhnen muß, die hier in der physischen Welt Wert haben, und dafür eintauscht die anderen Gefühle für die höheren Welten. So ist es nicht. Er tauscht nicht das eine für das andere ein, sondern er erwirbt sich eines zum andern hinzu. Wenn der Mensch auf der einen Seite seine Gefühle vergeistigen muß, muß er auf der anderen Seite auch wiederum um so stärker jene Gefühle haben, die zum Arbeiten in der physischen Welt brauchbar machen. In dem Sinne ist es aufzufassen, wenn man für den Eingeweihten das Wort braucht: Er muß in einer gewissen Beziehung ein heimatloser Mensch werden. Nicht, als ob er der Heimat und der Familie im geringsten Grade entfremdet werden müßte, solange er in der physischen Welt lebt, sondern das Wort hat höchstens insofern etwas damit zu tun, als durch Aneignung der entsprechenden Gefühle in der geistigen Welt die Gefühle für die physische Welt eine feinere, schönere Ausbildung erfahren werden. Was ist ein «heimatloser Mensch»? Ohne dies Prädikat kann niemand im wahren Sinne des Wortes die Einweihung erlangen. Ein «heimatloser Mensch» sein heißt: Ein Mensch darf keine Spezialsympathien in der geistigen Welt entwickeln, die ähnlich sind jenen Spezialsympathien, die der Mensch hier in der physischen Welt für einzelne spezielle Gebiete und Zusammenhänge hat. Der einzelne Mensch in der physischen Welt gehört zu diesem oder jenem Volke, zu dieser oder jener Familie, zu dieser oder jener Staatsgemeinschaft; das ist alles recht so. Dies braucht er nicht zu verlieren, hier braucht er das. Wenn er aber diese Gefühle anwenden wollte in der geistigen Welt, würde er eine sehr schlimme Mitgift mitbringen für die geistige Welt. Da heißt es nicht, irgendeine Sympathie für etwas zu entwickeln, sondern alles auf sich objektiv wirken zu lassen, nach dem im Objekte liegenden Wert. Man könnte auch sagen, wenn das allgemein verstanden würde: Ein objektiver Mensch im vollen Sinne des Wortes muß der Eingeweihte werden.

[ 5 ] Nun ist die Menschheit gerade durch ihre Entwickelung auf unserer Erde herausgekommen aus einer früheren, mit dem alten dämmerhaften hellseherischen Bewußtsein verbundenen Heimatlosigkeit. Wir haben ja gesehen, wie die Menschheit heruntergestiegen ist aus den geistigen Sphären in die physische Welt. In den ursprünglichen geistigen Sphären gab es so etwas wie Patriotismus und dergleichen nicht. Als die Menschen herunterstiegen aus den geistigen Sphären, bevölkerte der eine Teil die Erde hier, der andere Teil bevölkerte sie dort; und da wurden die einzelnen Menschengruppen bestimmter Gebiete ein Abklatsch dieser Gebiete. Glauben Sie nicht, daß der Neger bloß aus inneren Gründen schwarz wurde, sondern auch durch die Anpassung an sein Erdgebiet ist er schwarz geworden, und mit den Weißen verhält es sich ebenso. Und ebenso wie die großen Unterschiede in bezug auf Farbe und Rasse, so sind auch die kleineren Unterschiede der Völkerindividualitäten dadurch entstanden, daß der Mensch etwas angenommen hat durch den Zusammenhang mit seiner Umgebung. Das hängt aber auch wieder zusammen mit der Spezialisierung der Liebe auf der Erde. Dadurch, daß sich die Menschen unähnlich geworden sind, wurde die Liebe zuerst in kleinen Gemeinschaften begründet. Nach und nach erst, aus den kleinen Gemeinschaften heraus, können sich die Menschen hinentwickeln zu einer großen Liebesgemeinschaft, wie sie sich konkret gerade durch die Einpflanzung des Geistselbstes entwickeln wird. So mußte der Eingeweihte gleichsam vorausnehmen, wozu die Menschheitsentwickelung wieder drängt: alle Schranken zu überwinden, zu überbrücken, den großen Frieden, die große Harmonie und Brüderlichkeit auszubilden. Der Eingeweihte muß in seiner Heimatlosigkeit schon von vornherein immer die gleichen Keime aufnehmen zu der großen Bruderliebe. Das wurde symbolisch angedeutet in alten Zeiten dadurch, daß geschildert wird, was der Eingeweihte alles für Wanderungen durchgemacht hat, zum Beispiel bei Pythagoras. Warum wurde das geschildert? Damit er mit seinen Gefühlen, die innerhalb der inneren Gemeinschaft ausgebildet werden, allem gegenüber objektiv werde.

[ 6 ] Nun ist es die Aufgabe des Christentums, den Impuls zu dieser Brüderlichkeit, das, was der Eingeweihte immer als einzelnen Impuls hatte, der ganzen Menschheit beizubringen. Fassen wir einmal ins Auge jene tiefste Idee des Christentums, daß der Christus der Geist der Erde ist und die Erde der Leib oder das Kleid des Christus. Und nehmen wir das wörtlich; denn wir haben gesagt, daß wir eine solche Urkunde wie das Johannes-Evangelium in den einzelnen Worten auf die Goldwaage legen müssen. Was erfahren wir in bezug auf «das Kleid» der Erde, wenn wir die Entwickelung überblicken? Wir erfahren, daß zunächst dieses Kleid der Erde, das heißt die festen Teile der Erde getrennt wurden. Der eine ergriff von dem, der andere von jenem Besitz. Das eine gehörte dem, das andere dem. Der Besitz, die Erweiterung der Persönlichkeit durch Aneignung von Eigentum, das ist, in was man in einer gewissen Beziehung das Kleid, das der Christus, der Geist der Erde, trägt, geteilt hat im Laufe der Zeit. Nur eines konnte nicht geteilt werden, sondern gehörte allen, das ist die Lufthülle, die um die Erde herum ist. Und aus dieser Lufthülle heraus, wie uns in der Paradiesesmythe angedeutet wird, wurde dem Menschen der lebendige Odem eingeblasen. Damit haben wir die erste Anlage des Ich im physischen Leibe. Die Luft kann nicht geteilt werden.

[ 7 ] Versuchen wir einmal, ob uns der, der das Christentum am tiefsten im Johannes-Evangelium schildert, dies irgendwie andeutet:

«Und sie zerissen sein Kleid; den Rock aber, den zerissen sie nicht.» (Vgl. 19, 23/24)

[ 8 ] Hier haben Sie das Wort, das Ihnen Aufschluß gibt, wie die Erde als Ganzes samt ihrer Lufthülle der Leib oder das Kleid und der Rock des Christus ist. In Kontinente und Gebiete ist das Kleid des Christus geteilt worden, nicht aber der Rock. Die Luft ist nicht geteilt worden, sie gehört allen gemeinsam. Sie ist das äußere materielle Symbolum für die den Erdkreis umspielende Liebe, die später sich realisieren wird.

[ 9 ] Und in vielen anderen Beziehungen muß das Christentum die Menschen dahin bringen, als Menschheit etwas aufzunehmen von dem alten Einweihungsprinzip. Wollen wir das verstehen, dann müssen wir einmal die Einweihung charakterisieren. Es genügt für uns, wenn wir im wesentlichen die drei Haupttypen der Einweihung ins Auge fassen: die alte Yoga-Einweihung, die eigentlich spezifisch christliche Einweihung und die, die eigentlich für den heutigen Menschen die absolut passende ist, die christlich-rosenkreuzerische Einweihung. Und nun wollen wir einmal schildern, wie die Einweihung überhaupt im Prinzip für alle drei Einweihungsformen verläuft, was sie ist und was sie vorstellt.

[ 10 ] Wodurch wird ein Mensch fähig, in die geistigen Welten hineinzuschauen? Nun, wodurch sind Sie fähig geworden, die physische Welt wahrzunehmen? Der physische Leib hat Sinnesorgane dafür. Wenn Sie die Menschheitsentwickelung weit zurück verfolgen, dann werden Sie finden, daß in Urzeiten der Mensch noch nicht Augen zum Sehen, Ohren zum Hören hatte in der physischen Welt, sondern daß das alles noch «undifferenzierte, gleichgültige Organe» waren, wie Goethe sagt. Zum Beweis dafür können Sie daran denken, wie gewisse niedere Tiere heute noch diese gleichgültigen Organe haben. Punkte haben gewisse niedere Tiere, wodurch sie nur Licht und Dunkel unterscheiden können. Und aus diesen gleichgültigen Organen ist nach und nach herausplastiziert, herausgeformt worden, was Auge und Ohr ist. Das ist hineingearbeitet worden in die plastische Substanz des physischen Leibes. Und indem Ihr Auge ausmodelliert worden ist, entstand für Sie die physische Welt der Farben, indem Ihr Ohr herausmodelliert worden ist, entstand die physische Welt der Töne.

[ 11 ] Niemand hat ein Recht zu sagen, daß eine Welt nicht wirklich sei; er darf nur sagen: Ich nehme sie nicht wahr. Denn die Welt im wirklichen Sinne sehen heißt: Ich habe Organe, sie wahrzunehmen. Man darf sagen: Ich kenne nur diese oder jene Welt; man darf aber nicht sagen: Ich lasse die Welt, die der andere wahrnimmt, nicht gelten. Denn der, der so spricht, verlangt, daß auch die anderen nichts anderes wahrnehmen dürfen als er; er verlangt autoritativ, daß nur das gilt, was er sieht. Wenn heute jemand auftritt und sagt: Das ist eine anthroposophische 'Träumerei, so etwas, wie es die Anthroposophen behaupten, gibt es nicht, - so beweist er nur, daß er und seinesgleichen solche Welten nicht wahrnehmen. Wir stellen uns auf den Ja-Standpunkt der Dinge. Wer aber nur das gelten läßt, was er wahrnimmt, der verlangt nicht nur, daß wir das zugeben, was er weiß, sondern der will autoritativ entscheiden über das, was er nicht weiß. Es gibt keine schlimmere Intoleranz als die, die heute von der offiziellen Wissenschaft der Geisteswissenschaft entgegengebracht wird, und die wird sich noch zu einer viel schlimmeren entwickeln, als sie jemals vorhanden war. Sie tritt unter den verschiedensten Formen auf. Die Menschen haben gar kein Bewußtsein dafür, daß sie irgend etwas sagen, was sie gar nicht sagen dürften. Bei vielen Versammlungen, die aus recht guten Christen bestehen, kann man es hören: Die Anthroposophen reden von irgendeiner christlichen Geheimlehre, aber das Christentum bedarf keiner Geheimlehre; denn es darf nur das gelten, was auch das einfache, schlichte Gemüt wahrnehmen und verstehen kann! — das heißt natürlich nichts anderes, als was er, der einzelne, der gerade redet, wahrnehmen und verstehen kann. Also er verlangt, daß keiner etwas anderes verstehe und wahrnehme als er. Die Unfehlbarkeit des Papstes wird mit Recht in solchen christlichen Versammlungen nicht zugegeben. Aber die Unfehlbarkeit der eigenen Persönlichkeit wird heute im weitesten Umfange, auch bei Christen, für die eigene Person in Anspruch genommen. Die Anthroposophie wird vom Standpunkte des Papsttums aus bekämpft, wo sich jeder selbst zu einer Art von Päpstlein aufwirft.

[ 12 ] Wenn wir bedenken, daß die physisch-sinnliche Welt dadurch für uns vorhanden ist, daß die einzelnen Organe in den physischen Leib hineinziseliert worden sind, dann wird es auch nicht mehr auffällig erscheinen, wenn gesagt wird: Die Wahrnehmung in einer höheren Welt beruht darauf, daß in die höheren Glieder der menschlichen Wesenheit, in Ätherleib und astralischen Leib, solche höhere Organe hineingebaut werden. Der physische Leib ist heute mit seinen Organen in dieser Weise schon ausgerüstet, der Ätherleib und Astralleib noch nicht; da müssen sie erst hineinziseliert werden. Sind sie darinnen, dann entsteht das, was man die Wahrnehmung in den höheren Welten nennt.

[ 13 ] Wir wollen jetzt davon sprechen, wie man diese Organe in den Äther- und Astralleib hineinbaut. Wir sagten, daß bei dem, der die Einweihung anstrebt und erhält, die höheren Organe herausmodelliert werden. Wie macht man das? Es handelt sich darum, daß man den Astralleib des Menschen abfaßt da, wo er in seiner Reinheit zu haben ist. Während der astralische Leib im Tagwachen untergetaucht ist in den physischen Leib, wirken die Kräfte des physischen Leibes auf den Astralleib; da hat man ihn also nicht frei. Da folgt er dem, was der physische Leib will, da kann man sozusagen nichts anfangen mit ihm. Man kann etwas anfangen mit ihm, man kann nur dann ihn modellieren, wenn er im Schlafe aus dem physischen Leibe heraus ist. Nur dadurch kann der Astralleib eines Menschen die höheren Sinnesorgane ausgebildet erhalten, daß man sie ihm hineinziseliert, während er außerhalb des physischen Leibes ist, im Schlafe. Nun kann man aber am schlafenden Menschen nicht herumhantieren. Das wäre beim heutigen Menschen nicht möglich, wenn er das, was mit ihm geschieht, wahrnehmen soll. Wenn Sie ihn im bewußtlosen Zustande haben, kann er das nicht wahrnehmen. Hier scheint ein Widerspruch vorzuliegen, denn der Astralleib ist sich seines Zusammenhanges mit dem physischen Leibe nicht bewußt, während der Mensch schläft. Aber indirekt geht es zu machen dadurch, daß man während des Tagwachens auf den physischen Leib wirkt, so daß die Eindrücke, die der physische Leib während des Tagwachens erhält, im Astralleib bleiben, wenn dieser sich herauszieht. Geradeso wie sonst im Astralleib die Eindrücke, die er durch die umliegende physische Welt erhält, eingedrückt sind, so muß man etwas ganz Spezifisches mit dem physischen Leibe anfangen, damit das sich in den astralischen Leib eindrückt und dann in der entsprechenden Weise ausgebildet wird. Das geschieht nun, indem der Mensch nicht immer so in den Tag hineinlebt, wie es sonst der Fall ist, und Eindrücke von da und dort hereinkommen läßt, sondern indem er in der durch eine methodische Schulung vorgeschriebenen Art sein inneres Leben in die Hand nimmt. Man nennt das Meditation, Konzentration oder Kontemplation. Das sind Übungen, die ebenso streng vorgeschrieben sind in den entsprechenden Schulen wie in den Laboratorien das Mikroskopieren und so weiter. Wenn ein Mensch solche Übungen macht, wirken sie so intensiv auf ihn ein, daß der astralische Leib, wenn er herausrutscht während des Schlafes, sich plastisch umgestaltet. Gerade so wie der Schwamm hier, solange ich ihn in meiner Hand habe, sich den Formen der Hand anpaßt, aber sobald ich ihn wieder loslasse, sich wieder nach den Kräften formt, die in ihm sind, ebenso ist es mit dem astralischen Leibe: Wenn er im Schlafe aus der Leiblichkeit heraustritt, folgt er den astralischen Kräften, die in ihm angelegt sind. So muß man während des Tagwachens diejenigen geistigen Verrichtungen vornehmen, durch welche in der Nacht der astralische Leib sich so plastisch gestaltet, daß er in sich die Organe bildet zum höheren Wahrnehmen.

[ 14 ] Nun kann man diese Meditation in dreifacher Weise einrichten. Man kann mehr auf das Gedankenmaterial Rücksicht nehmen, auf das, was man Weisheitselemente, reine Gedankenelemente nennt, das ist dann die Yogaschulung, die hauptsächlich mit dem Gedankenelement, der Kontemplation, arbeitet. Man kann aber auch mehr auf das Gefühl wirken durch dessen besondere Ausbildung, das ist die spezifisch christliche Richtung. Und man kann durch Kombinierung von Gefühl und Willen wirken, das ist dann die christlich-rosenkreuzerische Methode. Auf die Yogaschulung einzugehen, würde zu weit führen; es hätte auch keinen Zusammenhang mit dem JohannesEvangelium. An der spezifisch christlichen Einweihung wollen wir uns klarmachen, worauf diese Einweihung beruht. Sie müssen das so auffassen, daß ein Mensch in den heutigen Gesellschaftskreisen diese Einweihung kaum durchmachen könnte. Sie erfordert eine zeitweilige Isolation des Menschen. Aber die Rosenkreuzer- Methode ist gerade dazu da, daß der Mensch, ohne seine Pflichten zu verletzen, sich hinaufarbeiten kann in die höheren Welten. Das aber, was im Prinzip gilt, können wir uns auch an der christlichen Einweihung vollständig klarmachen.

[ 15 ] Diese Einweihungsmethode arbeitet ausschließlich mit dem Gefühle, und zwar werde ich Ihnen sieben Gefühlserlebnisse anzugeben haben, sieben Gefühlsstufen, durch deren Durchleben der astralische Leib wirklich so beeinflußt wird, daß er seine Organe während der Nacht entwickelt. Wollen wir uns einmal klarmachen, wie der christliche Schüler leben muß, damit er diese Stufen durchmacht.

[ 16 ] Die erste Stufe ist das, was man nennt die «Fußwaschung ». Da wird dem Schüler von dem Lehrer gesagt: Sieh dir an die Pflanze. Sie wurzelt im Boden; der mineralische Boden ist ein niedrigeres Wesen als die Pflanze. Wenn sich die Pflanze ihr Wesen vorhalten könnte, müßte sie zum Boden sagen: Zwar bin ich das höhere Wesen, aber ohne daß du bist, könnte ich nicht bestehen; denn aus dir, Boden, ziehe ich meine Nahrung zum größten Teile. Und könnte die Pflanze das in Gefühle umsetzen, so müßte sie sich herunterneigen zum Steine und sagen: Zu dir neige ich mich, du niedrigeres Wesen, Stein, denn dir verdanke ich mein Dasein. -— Und wenn wir zum Tier hinaufsteigen, so müßte in ähnlicher Weise das Tier sich zur Pflanze verhalten und sagen: Zwar bin ich höher als die Pflanze, aber dem niederen Reiche verdanke ich mein Dasein. - Und wenn wir in dieser Weise weiter hinaufsteigen und zum Menschen kommen, so müßte jeder, der etwas höher steht auf der sozialen Stufenleiter, sich zu der niedrigeren Stufe herunterneigen und sagen: Der niedrigeren Stufe verdanke ich mein Dasein! — Und so geht das hinauf bis zu dem Christus Jesus. Die Zwölf, die ihn umgeben, sind eine Stufe niedriger als er; aber wie die Pflanze sich aus dem Stein herausentwickelt, so wächst der Christus Jesus heraus aus den Zwölfen. Er neigt sich herunter zu den Zwölfen und sagt: Euch verdanke ich mein Dasein.

[ 17 ] Wenn der Lehrer dem Schüler das erklärt hatte, dann sagte er ihm: Wochenlang mußt du dich diesem kosmischen Gefühle hingeben, wie das Höhere sich dem Niederen neigen muß; und wenn du das gründlich in dir ausgebildet hast, dann erlebst du ein inneres und ein äußeres Symptom. — Diese sind aber nicht das Wesentliche, sondern zeigen nur an, daß der Betreflende genügend geübt hatte. Wenn so der physische Leib genug beeinflußt war von der Seele, zeigte sich ihm dies in dem äußeren Symptom, daß er ein Gefühl hatte, wie wenn Wasser seine Füße umspülte. Das ist ganz reales Gefühl. Und ein anderes reales Gefühl ist, daß er in einer gewaltigen Vision im Astralen wie vor sich hat die Fußwaschung, das Herunterneigen des höheren Selbstes zu dem niederen Selbste. Da erlebt der Mensch im Astralen das, was man im Johannes-Evangelium als historische Tatsache geschildert findet.

[ 18 ] Die zweite Stufe besteht darin, daß dem Schüler gesagt wird: Du mußt in dir noch ein anderes Gefühl entwickeln. Du mußt dir vorstellen, wie es wäre, wenn alle möglichen Schmerzen und Leiden der Welt herantreten an dich, - empfinden, wie es wäre, wenn du ausgesetzt wärest dem Ansturm aller möglichen Hindernisse, und du mußt dich in das Gefühl versetzen, daß du aufrecht stehen mußt, wenn auch alles Elend der Welt an dich herankommt! Dann gibt es, wenn der Schüler das genügend geübt hat, wieder zwei Symptome: Das eine ist ein Gefühl, wie wenn er geschlagen würde von allen Seiten, und als zweites hat er in einer astralen Vision die «Geißelung» vor sich. — Ich erzähle etwas, was Hunderte von Menschen erlebt haben, wodurch sie die Fähigkeit erlangt haben, hinaufzusteigen in die geistigen Welten.

[ 19 ] Als Drittes hatte der Schüler sich vorzustellen, daß das Heiligste, was er hat, wofür er mit dem ganzen Ich eintritt, mit Spott und Hohn übergossen wird. Da mußte er sich sagen: Ich muß, was auch kommen mag, aufrecht stehen und für das, was mir heilig ist, eintreten! — Wenn er sich darin eingelebt hatte, hatte er etwas wie Stiche im Kopf, und als astrale Vision erlebte er die «Dornenkrönung». Wieder muß gesagt werden: Nicht auf die Symptome kommt es an, aber sie treten ein als Folge der Übungen. Und es wird auch dafür gesorgt, daß von Suggestion und Autosuggestion gar nicht die Rede sein kann.

[ 20 ] Das Vierte ist das, daß dem Schüler sein Leib, den er hat, in seinem Gefühl so fremd werden muß wie ein äußerer Gegenstand, zum Beispiel ein Stück Holz, und daß er nicht zu seinem Leibe «Ich» sagt. Das muß ihm so zum Gefühl werden, daß er sagt: Ich trage meinen Leib mit mir herum, wie ich meinen Rock mit mir herumtrage! Er verbindet sein Ich nicht mehr mit seinem Leibe. Dann tritt etwas ein, was man nennt die «Blutsprobe». Was in vielen Fällen ein krankhafter Zustand sein kann, ist in diesem Falle, weil alles Krankhafte ausgeschaltet sein muß, eine Folge der Meditation. An den Füßen, an den Händen und an der rechten Seite der Brust zeigen sich die sogenannten Blutsmale; und als inneres Symptom sieht er in einer astralen Vision die «Kreuzigung ».

[ 21 ] Nur kurz können wir die fünfte, sechste und siebente Gefühlsstufe schildern.

[ 22 ] Die fünfte Stufe besteht in dem, was man nennt den «mystischen Tod». Durch die Gefühle, die man den Schüler auf dieser Stufe erleben läßt, erlebt er etwas, was sich ihm so darstellt, als ob sich in einem Augenblick vor alles physisch Sichtbare ein schwarzer Vorhang stellt und als ob alles verschwände. Dieser Moment ist noch durch etwas anderes wichtig, was man erlebt haben muß, wenn man wirklich zur christlichen Einweihung im wahren Sinne des Wortes dringen will. Man erlebt dann, daß man hinuntertauchen kann in die Urgründe des Bösen, des Schmerzes, des Kummers und Leides. Und alles, was an Bösem auf dem Grunde der Menschenseele lebt, kann man auskosten, wenn man hinuntersteigt in die Hölle. Das ist das «Niedersteigen in die Hölle». Hat man das erlebt, dann ist es, wie wenn der schwarze Vorhang zerreißt - und man sieht hinein in die geistige Welt.

[ 23 ] Das Sechste ist das, was man die «Grablegung und Auferstehung » nennt. Das ist die Stufe, wo der Schüler sich eins fühlt mit dem ganzen Erdenleib; wie hineingelegt und zusammengehörig mit dem ganzen Erdenplaneten fühlt er sich. Sein Leben hat sich erweitert zu planetarischem Leben.

[ 24 ] Das siebente Gefühl kann man mit Worten nicht schildern. Nur der könnte es schildern, der imstande wäre, zu denken ohne das Instrument des physischen Gehirnes; und für das gibt es keine Sprache, weil unsere Sprache nur Bezeichnungen hat für den physischen Plan. Daher kann nur hingewiesen werden auf diese Stufe. Sie übersteigt alles, wovon sich der Mensch sonst eine Vorstellung macht. Man nennt sie die «Himmelfahrt» oder die völlige Aufnahme in die geistige Welt.

[ 25 ] Da schließt die Skala der Gefühle ab, in die sich der Schüler während des Tagwachens in völliger innerer Sammlung versetzen muß. Wenn sich der Schüler diesen Erlebnissen hingegeben hat, dann wirken sie so stark auf den Astralleib, daß sich in der Nacht die inneren Wahrnehmungsorgane ausbilden, sich plastisch gestalten. — In der Rosenkreuzer-Einweihung wird nicht diese siebengliedrige Gefühlsskala durchgemacht, aber es ist dieselbe Wirkung da, die wir eben besprochen haben.

[ 26 ] So sehen Sie, daß es bei der Einweihung darauf ankommt, den astralischen Leib auf dem Umwege durch die Tageserlebnisse so zu beeinflussen, daß er, wenn er ganz frei ist, in der Nacht sich selbst eine neue plastische Gestalt gibt. Wenn der Mensch sich selbst auf diese Weise als Astralwesen eine plastische Gestalt gegeben hat, ist der Astralleib eigentlich ein neues Wesensglied des Menschen geworden. Er ist dann ganz und gar durchdrungen von Manas oder Geistselbst.

[ 27 ] Wenn nun der astralische Leib so gegliedert ist, handelt es sich darum, daß das, was so in ihm plastisch ausgebildet worden ist, auch in den Ätherleib hineingebracht wird. Geradeso, wie wenn Sie mit einem Petschaft auf Siegellack drücken und dann der Name des Petschafts nicht nur im Petschaft, sondern auch im Siegellack ist, so muß der Astralleib in den Ätherleib untertauchen und das, was er nun hat, in den Ätherleib hineindrücken.

[ 28 ] Das erste Verfahren, das Bearbeiten des Astralleibes, ist bei allen Einweihungsmethoden dasselbe. Nur in der Übertragung auf den Ätherleib unterscheiden sich die einzelnen Methoden. Von diesem Unterschiede werden wir morgen sprechen und zeigen, wie sich die drei Methoden der Einweihung, die sich als die tiefsten Entwickelungsimpulse im Laufe der nachatlantischen Zeit ergeben haben, voneinander unterscheiden, und was überhaupt die Einweihung für eine Bedeutung hat für die Menschheitsentwickelung. Dann werden uns auch diejenigen Partien des Johannes-Evangeliums völlig klar werden, die wir noch nicht besprechen konnten.

Eighth Lecture

[ 1 ] If we want to focus our entire course observations on the deeper understanding of the Gospel of John, on the words “Father and Mother of Jesus” and thus on the essence of Christianity in the sense of the Gospel of John in general, then we must now acquire the materials to understand the concept of Mother and Father in its spiritual sense, as it is meant in the Gospel of John, and at the same time in its real sense. For we are not dealing with allegorical and symbolic interpretations.

[ 2 ] First of all, we must understand what it means to unite with the higher spiritual worlds, to prepare ourselves to receive the higher worlds. We must consider the nature of initiation, especially with regard to the Gospel of John. Who is an initiate?

[ 3 ] At all times of post-Atlantean human development, an initiate was the one who could rise above the outer physical-sensual world and have his own experiences, his own experiences in the spiritual worlds, who thus experiences the spiritual world in the same way as man experiences the physical-sensual world through his outer senses, eyes, ears and so on. Such an initiate is therefore a witness to the spiritual worlds and their truth. That is one thing. But then there is something else essential which every initiate acquires as a special quality during initiation, namely, that he also rises above the feelings and sensations which are not only justified but also deeply necessary within the physical world, but which cannot be present in the same way in the spiritual world.

[ 4 ] Do not misunderstand this and do not take it as if the initiate who is able to experience the spiritual world in addition to the physical world must now give up all other human feelings and sensations that have value here in the physical world and exchange the other feelings for the higher worlds. It is not like that. He does not exchange one for the other, but acquires one in addition to the other. If, on the one hand, man must spiritualize his feelings, he must, on the other hand, have all the more strongly those feelings which make him useful for working in the physical world. In this sense it is to be understood when the word is used for the initiate: he must in a certain respect become a homeless person. Not as if he had to be alienated from his home and family in the slightest degree as long as he lives in the physical world, but the word has at most something to do with it insofar as the feelings for the physical world will experience a finer, more beautiful development through the appropriation of the corresponding feelings in the spiritual world. What is a “homeless person”? Without this predicate, no one can attain initiation in the true sense of the word. To be a “homeless person” means that a person may not develop any special sympathies in the spiritual world that are similar to the special sympathies that a person has here in the physical world for individual special areas and contexts. The individual in the physical world belongs to this or that people, to this or that family, to this or that national community; that is all right. He does not need to lose this, he needs it here. But if he wanted to apply these feelings in the spiritual world, he would bring a very bad dowry with him for the spiritual world. It is not a matter of developing any sympathy for something, but of allowing everything to have an objective effect on him, according to the value lying in the object. One could also say, if this were generally understood: The initiate must become an objective person in the full sense of the word.

[ 5 ] Now, precisely through its development on our earth, humanity has emerged from an earlier homelessness associated with the old dim clairvoyant consciousness. We have seen how mankind descended from the spiritual spheres into the physical world. In the original spiritual spheres there was no such thing as patriotism and the like. When men descended from the spiritual spheres, one part populated the earth here, the other part populated it there; and then the individual groups of men of certain regions became a copy of these regions. Do not think that the Negro became black merely for inner reasons, but that he also became black by adapting himself to his region of the earth, and it is the same with the whites. And just as the great differences in color and race, so also the smaller differences in the individualities of peoples have arisen from the fact that man has adopted something through the connection with his environment. But this is also connected with the specialization of love on earth. Because people have become dissimilar, love was first established in small communities. Only gradually, out of the small communities, can people develop into a great community of love, as it will develop concretely through the implantation of the spirit-self. Thus the initiate must, as it were, anticipate what the development of mankind is again urging: to overcome all barriers, to bridge them, to develop the great peace, the great harmony and brotherhood. The initiate, in his homelessness, must from the outset always take up the same germs of great brotherly love. This was symbolically indicated in ancient times by describing all the wanderings the initiate had undergone, for example in Pythagoras. Why was this described? So that with his feelings, which are formed within the inner community, he would become objective towards everything.

[ 6 ] Now it is the task of Christianity to teach the impulse to this brotherhood, that which the initiate always had as an individual impulse, to all mankind. Let us consider the deepest idea of Christianity, that the Christ is the spirit of the earth and the earth is the body or the clothing of the Christ. And let us take this literally, for we have said that we must weigh such a document as the Gospel of John in its individual words. What do we learn with regard to “the garment” of the earth when we survey its development? We learn that at first this garment of the earth, that is, the solid parts of the earth, were separated. The one took possession of this, the other of that. The one belonged to this, the other to that. Possession, the expansion of the personality through the appropriation of property, that is what the garment worn by the Christ, the spirit of the earth, has been divided into in the course of time. Only one thing could not be divided, but belonged to all, that is the air envelope that is around the earth. And out of this air envelope, as is indicated in the myth of paradise, the living breath was blown into man. Thus we have the first creation of the I in the physical body. The air cannot be divided.

[ 7 ] Let us see if the one who describes Christianity most profoundly in the Gospel of John somehow hints at this:

"And they tore his garment, but his robe they did not tear.” (cf. 19, 23/24)

[ 8 ] Here you have the word that gives you information on how the earth as a whole, together with its air envelope, is the body or the garment and the skirt of Christ. The garment of Christ has been divided into continents and regions, but not the skirt. The air has not been divided, it belongs to all together. It is the outward material symbol of the love that surrounds the globe, which will later be realized.

[ 9 ] And in many other respects Christianity must bring men to absorb as mankind something of the ancient principle of initiation. If we want to understand this, we must first characterize initiation. It is sufficient for us to consider the three main types of initiation: the old yoga initiation, the specifically Christian initiation and the one that is actually the most suitable for people today, the Christian-Rosicrucian initiation. And now let us describe how the initiation proceeds in principle for all three forms of initiation, what it is and what it represents.

[ 10 ] How does a person become able to see into the spiritual worlds? Well, how did you become able to perceive the physical world? The physical body has sensory organs for this. If you trace the development of mankind far back, you will find that in primitive times man did not yet have eyes to see, ears to hear in the physical world, but that these were all still “undifferentiated, indifferent organs”, as Goethe says. As proof of this you can think of how certain lower animals still have these indifferent organs today. Certain lower animals have dots, which only enable them to distinguish between light and dark. And from these indifferent organs the eye and ear have gradually been sculpted, formed. This has been worked into the plastic substance of the physical body. And by sculpting your eye, the physical world of colors came into being for you, by sculpting your ear, the physical world of sounds came into being.

[ 11 ] No one has a right to say that a world is not real; he may only say: I do not perceive it. For to see the world in the real sense means: I have organs to perceive it. One may say: I only know this or that world; but one may not say: I do not accept the world that the other person perceives. For he who speaks in this way demands that the others must not perceive anything other than he does; he authoritatively demands that only what he sees is valid. If someone appears today and says: This is an anthroposophical 'reverie', there is no such thing as the anthroposophists claim, - he only proves that he and his kind do not perceive such worlds. We take the 'yes' standpoint of things. But he who only accepts what he perceives not only demands that we admit what he knows, but also wants to decide authoritatively about what he does not know. There is no worse intolerance than that which official science shows towards spiritual science today, and it will develop into something much worse than it has ever been. It appears in the most diverse forms. People have no awareness at all that they are saying something they should not be saying. You can hear it in many assemblies made up of quite good Christians: The anthroposophists talk of some secret Christian teaching, but Christianity does not need a secret teaching, for only that which the simple, unpretentious mind can perceive and understand is valid! - that is, of course, nothing other than what he, the individual who is speaking, can perceive and understand. So he demands that no one understands and perceives anything other than he does. The infallibility of the Pope is rightly not admitted in such Christian assemblies. But today the infallibility of one's own personality is claimed for one's own person to the widest extent, even among Christians. Anthroposophy is fought from the standpoint of the papacy, where everyone sets himself up as a kind of pope.

[ 12 ] If we consider that the physical-sensual world exists for us because the individual organs have been chiseled into the physical body, then it will no longer appear conspicuous when it is said: Perception in a higher world is based on the fact that such higher organs are built into the higher members of the human being, into the etheric body and the astral body. Today the physical body is already equipped with its organs in this way, the etheric and astral bodies are not yet; they must first be chiseled into them. Once they are in there, that which is called perception in the higher worlds arises.

[ 13 ] We will now speak of how these organs are built into the etheric and astral bodies. We said that the higher organs are modeled in those who strive for and receive initiation. How is this done? It is a matter of capturing the astral body of the human being where it can be found in its purity. While the astral body is submerged in the physical body during the waking hours, the forces of the physical body act on the astral body, so it is not free. There it follows what the physical body wants, so you can't do anything with it, so to speak. You can do something with it, you can only model it when it is out of the physical body in sleep. The astral body of a human being can only be given the higher sense organs by chiseling them into it while it is outside the physical body, in sleep. But you cannot tamper with a sleeping person. That would not be possible with today's man if he is to perceive what is happening to him. If you have him in an unconscious state, he cannot perceive it. There seems to be a contradiction here, for the astral body is not conscious of its connection with the physical body while the human being is asleep. But it can be done indirectly by acting on the physical body during daytime waking, so that the impressions which the physical body receives during daytime waking remain in the astral body when it withdraws. Just as otherwise the impressions which it receives through the surrounding physical world are impressed into the astral body, so something quite specific must be done with the physical body so that this is impressed into the astral body and then formed in the appropriate way. This happens when the human being does not always live into the day, as is usually the case, and allows impressions to come in from here and there, but by taking his inner life into his own hands in the way prescribed by a methodical training. This is called meditation, concentration or contemplation. These are exercises that are just as strictly prescribed in the relevant schools as microscopy and so on in laboratories. When a person does such exercises, they have such an intensive effect on him that the astral body, when it slips out during sleep, transforms itself plastically. Just as the sponge here, as long as I have it in my hand, adapts itself to the forms of the hand, but as soon as I let it go again, it forms itself again according to the forces that are in it, so it is with the astral body: When it emerges from corporeality during sleep, it follows the astral forces that are invested in it. Thus, during the waking hours of the day, one must undertake those spiritual activities through which the astral body forms itself so plastically during the night that it forms within itself the organs for higher perception.

[ 14 ] Now this meditation can be arranged in three ways. One can pay more attention to the thought material, to what is called wisdom elements, pure thought elements, which is then the yoga training that works mainly with the thought element, contemplation. But you can also work more on the feeling through its special training, which is the specifically Christian direction. And you can work by combining feeling and will, which is the Christian Rosicrucian method. To go into the yoga training would be going too far; it would also have no connection with the Gospel of John. Let us use the specifically Christian initiation to clarify what this initiation is based on. You must understand that a person in today's social circles could hardly undergo this initiation. It requires a temporary isolation of the person. But the Rosicrucian method is precisely there to enable man to work his way up into the higher worlds without violating his duties. But what is true in principle can also be fully understood by the Christian initiation.

[ 15 ] This method of initiation works exclusively with the feelings, and I shall have to give you seven emotional experiences, seven emotional stages, through the experiencing of which the astral body is really so influenced that it develops its organs during the night. Let us see how the Christian disciple must live in order to pass through these stages.

[ 16 ] The first stage is what is called the “washing of the feet”. Here the disciple is told by the teacher: “Look at the plant. It is rooted in the soil; the mineral soil is a lower being than the plant. If the plant could hold its being up to itself, it would have to say to the soil: “I am indeed the higher being, but without you I could not exist; for from you, soil, I draw the greater part of my nourishment. And if the plant could translate this into feelings, it would have to lean down to the stone and say: “I lean towards you, you lower being, stone, because I owe my existence to you. -- And if we ascend to the animal, then in a similar way the animal should behave towards the plant and say: “I am higher than the plant, but I owe my existence to the lower realm. - And if we ascend further in this way and come to man, then everyone who stands a little higher on the social ladder would have to lean down to the lower level and say: I owe my existence to the lower level! - And so it goes up to Christ Jesus. The twelve who surround him are one step lower than him; but just as the plant grows out of the stone, so Christ Jesus grows out of the twelve. He bends down to the twelve and says: I owe my existence to you.

[ 17 ] When the teacher had explained this to the pupil, he told him: For weeks you must give yourself to this cosmic feeling, as the higher must bend to the lower; and when you have thoroughly developed this in yourself, then you will experience an inner and an outer symptom. - These, however, are not the essentials, but only indicate that the person concerned has practiced sufficiently. When the physical body has been sufficiently influenced by the soul, this is shown to him in the outer symptom that he has a feeling as if water were washing over his feet. This is a very real feeling. And another real feeling is that in a powerful vision in the astral he has before him the washing of the feet, the bowing down of the higher self to the lower self. There the human being experiences in the astral what is described in the Gospel of John as a historical fact.

[ 18 ] The second stage consists of the disciple being told: You must develop another feeling within yourself. You must imagine what it would be like if all possible pains and sufferings of the world were to approach you, - feel what it would be like if you were exposed to the onslaught of all possible obstacles, and you must put yourself in the feeling that you must stand upright, even if all the misery of the world is approaching you! Then, if the disciple has practiced this sufficiently, there are again two symptoms: One is a feeling as if he were being beaten from all sides, and the second is an astral vision of “scourging”. - I am telling you something that hundreds of people have experienced, whereby they have attained the ability to ascend into the spiritual worlds.

[ 19 ] The third thing the disciple had to imagine was that the most sacred thing he had, for which he stood up with his whole self, was being showered with mockery and scorn. Then he had to say to himself: Whatever may come, I must stand upright and stand up for what is sacred to me! - When he had settled into this, he had something like stitches in his head, and as an astral vision he experienced the “crowning of thorns”. Again it must be said: It is not the symptoms that matter, but they occur as a result of the exercises. And it is also ensured that there can be no question of suggestion and autosuggestion.

[ 20 ] The fourth thing is that the body which the pupil has must become as foreign to him in his feeling as an external object, for example a piece of wood, and that he does not say “I” to his body. It must become his feeling in such a way that he says: I carry my body around with me, just as I carry my skirt around with me! He no longer connects his “I” with his body. Then something occurs which is called the “blood test”. What in many cases can be a pathological condition is in this case, because everything pathological must be eliminated, a consequence of meditation. On the feet, on the hands and on the right side of the chest the so-called blood stains appear; and as an inner symptom he sees the “crucifixion” in an astral vision.

[ 21 ] We can only briefly describe the fifth, sixth and seventh emotional stages.

[ 22 ] The fifth stage consists of what is called “mystical death”. Through the feelings that the pupil experiences at this stage, he experiences something that appears to him as if in a moment a black curtain were placed in front of everything physically visible and as if everything disappeared. This moment is also important because of something else that one must have experienced if one really wants to penetrate to Christian initiation in the true sense of the word. One then experiences that one can dive down into the primal depths of evil, pain, sorrow and suffering. And all the evil that lives at the bottom of the human soul can be savored when one descends into hell. This is the “descent into hell”. Once you have experienced this, it is as if the black curtain is torn asunder - and you see into the spiritual world.

[ 23 ] The sixth is what is called the “burial and resurrection”. This is the stage where the disciple feels at one with the whole earthly body; he feels as if he has been placed in it and belongs together with the whole earthly planet. His life has expanded into planetary life.

[ 24 ] The seventh feeling cannot be described in words. Only he could describe it who would be able to think without the instrument of the physical brain; and for this there is no language, because our language has only designations for the physical plan. Therefore we can only refer to this level. It transcends everything that man can otherwise imagine. It is called the “ascension” or the complete absorption into the spiritual world.

[ 25 ] There ends the scale of feelings into which the disciple must place himself during the day's awakening in complete inner concentration. When the disciple has surrendered to these experiences, they have such a strong effect on the astral body that during the night the inner organs of perception develop and take on a plastic form. - In the Rosicrucian initiation, this seven-part scale of feelings is not gone through, but the same effect is there that we have just discussed.

[ 26 ] So you see that in the initiation it is important to influence the astral body in a roundabout way through the daytime experiences in such a way that, when it is completely free, it gives itself a new plastic form at night. When man has given himself a plastic form as an astral being in this way, the astral body has actually become a new member of man's being. It is then completely permeated by manas or spirit self.

[ 27 ] When the astral body is structured in this way, it is a matter of what has been plastically formed in it also being brought into the etheric body. Just as when you press on sealing wax with a seal and then the name of the seal is not only in the seal but also in the sealing wax, so the astral body must immerse itself in the etheric body and press what it now has into the etheric body.

[ 28 ] The first process, the working of the astral body, is the same in all initiation methods. Only in the transfer to the etheric body do the individual methods differ. We shall speak of this difference tomorrow and show how the three methods of initiation, which have arisen as the deepest impulses of development in the course of the post-Atlantean period, differ from one another, and what significance initiation has for the development of mankind in general. Then those parts of the Gospel of John that we have not yet been able to discuss will also become completely clear to us.